Episode 28: Mary

This episode’s guest is a friend I met on TikTok. Yep! Mary McGreevy hosts the Tips from Dead People page on TikTok (the episode image above is her logo!).

On Tips from Dead People, Mary earnestly and respectfully curates and personally reads unique obituaries from submissions she receives from all over the world. She has collected stacks of obituaries for years, and has now built quite an online following!

Mary and I connected this summer, around the time my beloved 96-year-old Nana, my mom’s mom, was dying. Through our conversations on and off the mic, Mary helped me write my Nana’s obituary, providing some beautiful examples of other obituaries she loves and reminding me “that a well-told story never fails to deliver wisdom, humor, and even a bit of advice on how to live the good life.”

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Episode 29: Nana


Episode 27: Mitchell